Why can't my Practice Assessor/Assigned Educator access my PAR document?
Please speak to the Placement Educator Lead (Team Manager) in your placement area, they are responsible for assigning educators to students.
If you have left a placement area but still need your educator to sign off parts of your document, you can grant temporary access via the Grant Access button, which you find on any page of your PAR document.
Alternatively, you could speak to your personal tutor or module leader
What are Online PARE digital signatures?
Digital signatures enable the Online PARE system to verify information that a learner or practice assessor/educator has submitted is valid and authorised by confirming the identity of the user. They are usually associated with a box containing text that has been written by the user. The signature confirms the identity of the user who has written the text and/or that it has been verified by a practice assessor/educator.
How do digital signatures work and how are they applied?
A digital signature confirms a user's identity via their login credentials. They are applied simply by clicking a button to 'sign' the section of a document. Users who are not already logged in will have to enter their username and password to confirm their identity.
If you are able to countersign a signature, the green sign button will be available when you are logged in to your own account. This is found next to the original signees name. Click the green button to continue. After you have clicked, please read the pop-up message and if you are happy to continue, click the next green button "Add Your Signature". This has now added your signature next to the original.
How do I know that text has been digitally signed?
Sections of a document that have been digitally signed are clearly marked as signed or unsigned. Once signed, the associated section is locked so that further changes cannot be made. Locked areas are marked as locked and have a grey background to indicate that the text cannot be edited.
How do I alter text that has been digitally signed?
Text that has been locked because it has been digitally signed can easily be unlocked so that it can be changed. Simply click the 'Unlock' button to unlock a locked section. Unlocking also removes the signatures that have been applied to it because the verifications no longer apply once the text is changed. Once the text has been adjused it has to be digitally re-signed in the same way as previously.
My practice assessor/supervisor/educator can't sign-off certain sections of my PAR document?
Certain sections can only be signed by your allocated practice assessor/educator for that period and not by other staff. A practice assessor/educator may oversee a specific placement you are assigned to and so is responsible for signing-off your activity there. A practice assessor/supervisor/educator has to be registered on the OnlinePARE system as the allocated practice assessor/educator for that section before they can sign-off certain sections of a PAR document.
My PAR document is set to read-only - how do I alter it?
PAR documents are automatically set to be read-only after the final placement has been completed and signed off. If you need to edit your documents after this date, please contact your module leader to ask for help and the PARE team may be able to re-open them.
When is my PAR document set to become read-only?
If your PAR documents have been fully signed-off they will be set to read-only two weeks after the placement has been completed. If they have not been fully signed-off this will happen six weeks after the placement is complete. If you need to alter your document after it has been set to read-only you can contact your module leader to request that the document is re-opened.
Why are some parts of my PAR documents locked or read-only and how do I edit them?
Some parts of your placement documents are not editable until the system receives confirmation that you have a placement that relates to that section. For example, the placement 2 section will usually be read-only until you start your second placement. Please speak to your practice assessor/supervisor/educator for more information.
How long will my practice assessor/supervisor/educator have access to my PAR document?
Your practice assessor/supervisor/educator will have access to your PAR document for 4 weeks after your placement ends.
Who can see my PAR document?
Your PAR document can be viewed by your practice assessor/supervisor/educators, academic staff and managers. This includes your allocated practice assessor/educator, other registered practice assessor/supervisor/educators in your placement area, your team manager, your PEF, your personal tutor and other academic staff.
Can a practice assessor/supervisor/educator digitally sign student sections?
No. Users can only sign sections of a document that are relevant to them. Practice assessor/supervisor/educators can verify sections of work only after they have been digitally signed by the students themselves and verified their own identity by logging in.
How can I give my previous practice assessor/supervisor/educator access to my PAR document?
In any page of your PAR document, click the cog icon () in the top right-hand side, under your name to load your PAR document settings. You can now see a list of your practice assessors/supervisors/educators for your PAR. Click the "Grant Temporary Access" button against your practice assessors/supervisors/educators and it will give them 4 weeks temporary access to your document.
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Are you still there? Your session is about to expire.
For security reasons, you be automatically logged out of the OnlinePARE system.
If you would like to stay signed into your account please extend your session.